Queers in Property - Industry Trailblazers | Studio White Noise
You can see Lune from my house


Queers in Property – Industry Trailblazers
Key Drivers Behind QIPs

I still look to our three brand pillars as our key drives; Empowerment, Visibility, Support; what do you think our key drivers are for QIPs?

Billy: Our goal is simple: to ensure that every member always has someone to reach out to, whether for property questions, moral support, or just a pick-me-up. We empower each other to embrace our authenticity as a strength and show the industry that we’re here.

Ben: We share our stories to create visibility, empowerment, and support.

Importance of an Established Brand Early On

My voice was certainly the loudest when it came to establishing a strict brand guide, something to get behind, but looking back, how important was it to have an established brand early when forming QIPs

Billy: Having a strong brand early on was crucial. It helped us make our mark quickly, and within months, we went from knowing a handful of queer people in the industry to hundreds. Our hard launch, “The Coming Out,” was a game-changer—everyone connected with the brand and wanted to be part of it. That’s the power of a good brand. Huge thanks to Studio White Noise!

Ben: It helped us look more organised than we were, lol. Seriously though, it made us appear serious, united, and trustworthy to sponsors. It also demonstrated a refreshing, people-focused take on a property industry group, attracting more LGBTQIA+ people. You usually grow into your brand, but in this case, the playful tone and distinct branding gave us something to strive for. You were [Rossco] kind of obsessed with rebranding every word to have the letter Q in it.

Stand-Out Moments in the QIPs Journey

I can’t believe we’ve already been around for 5 years! Big stand out moment for me was our coming out – it was such a special moment, the anticipation, the planning – everything just made it feel real. What have been some of your stand out moments in the QIPs journey?

Billy: The community that has built up around us is amazing. It’s energising, supportive, and incredibly FUN. Our events are known for their authentic and lively atmosphere, often running out of champagne. The connections I’ve made through Queers in Property have been life-changing. Without this network, I don’t think I would be living this authentically, especially in the corporate world. The visibility, acceptance, and support have been instrumental in my self-discovery and empowerment, and we aim to extend this to the broader industry.

Ben: I suffer from recency bias, so the success of the Core event stands out to me: excellent speakers and a highly engaged audience. It felt like we were not just contributing to but leading the discussion for the industry. Also, moderating an event last year—I successfully put that off for five years!


Motivation and consistency has been a big topic of discussion for us as we grow, and I can honestly say there have been moments of demotivation (especially during COVID) What keeps you motivated?

Billy: The people—they inspire me every day. Hearing their stories reminds me why we built this safe space for the LGBTQIA+ community in an industry historically built by men, for men. Hopefully, times are changing, and with our collective queer power, we can make that happen.

Ben: Aside from the impact we’re having, it’s about crushing homophobia and supporting each other!

How QIPs Has Changed Us

QIPs has certainly changed my mindset when it comes to the work we do, who we chose to work with – who Studio White Noise choses not to work with and the impact its had on me personally; how has QIPs changed you and your journey within your career or personal life?

Billy: I am living my non-binary finery, freely. No more corporate acting—just BIG slaying. Being queer is our superpower in this industry.

Ben: I’ve realised it’s my “give back,” and it’s given me more confidence in myself as a leader.

The QIPs Legacy

For me I want it to be bigger, bolder and stronger in the future – perhaps global? and take on more complex challenges. What do you want the QIPs legacy to be?

Billy: I want QIPs to be the B Corp of LGBTQIA+ inclusion. I want our badge to signify true inclusivity. Our power can support many people, fundraise, advocate for inclusion, throw big parties, and encourage the industry to count us in.

Ben: Free parties, people building friendships, and quality connections so they feel confident in themselves at work.

As the current brand custodians for QIPs, Studio White Noise is honoured and proud to support an organisation dedicated to championing change within the property sector. We will continue to empower the QIPs team to make sure diverse identities are celebrated,  and promote a culture of inclusivity and respect.

We are a QUEER MOVEMENT, here to challenge the heteronormative norms in the Property and Construction industry